Adding a server for Infected or switching from an inactive one
As you may know, Classic Infected is one of the most played games on MW3.
As of today, only have a classic infected that actually gets populated, and is full from time to time - I believe that adding a Classic Infected, a little bit more advanced that totalkillaz would help, such ass more map rotation, a map voting system - a player kicking voting system for blockers and so on - I believe this would reignite the discord server, maybe also adding a #suggestion channel to the discord server and taking the community’s opinion on updates - have a good day! -
@wh1ter0se Thanks for the ideas, we will consider them
@fizzytitan alright :)
IMHO infected gets boring quite fast, that there are servers that try to prevent you from disconnecting should be proof enough. In the end it boils down to people camping on OP spots. What could however work is infected on custom maps as they are not well enough known to be that pure camper fest.